Language Training

Language Training

Are you looking to embark on a linguistic journey that leads to mastering the German language? At Flugel Educare, we pride ourselves on being the premier German Language Institute across Kerala, Italy, and Malta.

Our German language courses are meticulously designed to cater to learners at various levels, from beginners (A1) to advanced proficiency (C2). Starting at the foundational level (A1), our courses provide a solid grounding in both spoken and written German. As you progress through our structured curriculum, you’ll advance seamlessly from one proficiency level to the next, honing your skills at each step.

A1 Beginner Level: The A1 course forms the bedrock of your German language journey. Here, you’ll acquire the essentials needed to navigate basic conversations, introduce yourself, and handle everyday situations with confidence.

Intermediate Levels: Transitioning from A1, you’ll delve deeper into language nuances at the A2 and B1 levels. At A2, you expand your communication skills and vocabulary, while B1 equips you to understand complex topics, crucial for employment or professional apprenticeships in Germany.

Advanced Proficiency: At the B2 and C1 levels, you’ll achieve fluency in diverse subjects, engage in spontaneous conversations, and express complex ideas fluently, resembling native-like proficiency. C1 learners exhibit flexibility, precision, and nuanced language use, both written and spoken.


We have regular offline and online classes available with expert tutors. Lets make german learning easier

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